Category Archives: Crone Archetype

Can I Have What He’s Had?

The Common Raven is an acrobatic flier, often doing rolls and somersaults in the air. One bird was seen flying upside down for more than a half-mile. Young birds are fond of playing games with sticks, repeatedly dropping them, then diving to catch them in midair.


Tree and I were not sure what had made this Raven happy enough to be jigging about, but we were only just saying that we thought we would like some of what he has had.


Then we heard what sounded like a jet arriving and  we realized that Baba had returned to Lemuria in her mortar. No wonder Raven is dancing a jig.

When Baba makes a come back everyone has a reaction.

Meanwhle, this aged Raven who has clearly seen it all before, is far from impressed.


Raven or Crone

In many Irish stories the crone goddess, often under the name of the Badb (bao, or raven), ordains or foreshadows the warrior’s death. She is seen washing at the ford, and the clothing belongs to one about to die in battle.

Celtic traditions contained a rich lode of myths about a divine Old Woman. In Gaelic (both Irish and Scottish)she is called the Cailleach (from caille, mantle or veil, thus veiled one.) [The Q-Celtic word cailleach is related to the Latin pallium, which survived as the name for a priestly stole. MacKenzie thinks cailleach originally signified a nun, but the ancient traditions predate christianity. 137] This is not a veil of modesty—the cailleachan are wild—but of mystery.

Read more about Crones

Golden Seed Grove

Learning fine discrimination, separating one thing from the other with finest discernment, learning to make fine distinctions in judgment (sorting the mildewed corn from the good corn, and sorting the poppy seeds from a pile of dirt). Observing the power of the unconscious and how it works even when the ego is not aware.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes – Women Who Run With Wolves.

There is something to be said for taking the time to be and to reflect. I revisited the Golden Seed Grove, a very special corner of the Soul Food Cafe.

Given all that has been relinquished I think it is time to plant fresh seeds and contemplate the concepts of growth and regeneration.

But first Baba has told me to sort the seeds. I will need the help of my doll to fulfill a task that requires discernment and judgement.

Isle of Ancestors

The Crone is not just an old woman now. She is sort of an ageless Wisdom Goddess, not necessarily the ugly old witch with a very long nose who lives close to the ground. People would go to her and she would be able to do certain ceremonies for them.

Undertake a mysterious journey and visit The Isle of Ancestors or mingle with the Wyse Women of Owl Island.

Goddesses and woman in general as thin, young and sexy. Unfortunately the Crone archetype has been neglected, shoved to the back of our minds, and only brought out at Samhain. She has been made into the wicked witch of children’s nursery times and fables. But really we should be seeing the Crone as a beautiful and spiritual woman of wisdom. She has done with childbearing and is now free to be herself and explore her own spirituality. She is the Matriarch, the keeper of tradition and she walks the line between twilight and darkness and understands the importance of death and renewal.

From Crone and Sage

The Crone Archetype

It’s a beautiful thing to become a Crone now, whereas many years ago it would’ve been frightening. The recognition and honoring that you are making a passage into another stage of life — an initiation into an age of wisdom — is very important.

The Crone is not just an old woman now. She is sort of an ageless Wisdom Goddess, not necessarily the ugly old witch with a very long nose who lives close to the ground. People would go to her and she would be able to do certain ceremonies for them.

Women in their Crone years are often relegated to the sidelines and become invisible. My body may be aging but my mind will always be forever young.

I refuse to be a shadowy figure. I am determined to reclaim the wisdom that was once associated with older women.

Understanding the Crone Archetype helps me to hear forgotten voices and come to know myself